Ahh, back at the Loki. We couldn't get the private suite, but the four-bed dorm with private bath is working out very well. We're staying in a part of Lima called
We spent today in the historic district of Lima checking out the sights and shops. The strangest thing... Lima has a retail district; it's about two square miles, and instead of malls of different shops and foods they heve everything segregated. And I mean segregated!! There were two full square blocks with only--and I mean only--party supplies. Talk about Princess Barbie overload! There were two more full square blocks of stores, side by side, selling strictly kitchen supplies. It was the strangest thing, one after another after another after another of kitchen supplies, then the next few blocks would be soley electronics and so on. The strangest thing...but pretty cool.
We ate lots of junk food and we were not allowed to take pictures during the coolest tour--the San Fransisco Cathedral and Catacombs--but we had a great time and are ready for our flight to Ecuador tomorrow.
Sorry the images don't really match up with the commentary well, but let's not let one dictate the other, shall we?
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